Lightweight Tallit

  • Modim Ultralight White-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit Modim Ultralight White-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit

    Modim Ultralight White-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit

    Traditional smooth-weave wool tallit with white striping. Lightweight 100% wool tallit, including the atara (neck band) and corner squares.    Certified 100% wool and shaatnez-free by the Jerusalem Eida Charedit   Want to compare...

  • Modim Ultralight Black-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit Modim Ultralight Black-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit

    Modim Ultralight Black-Striped Traditional Wool Tallit

    Traditional smooth-weave wool tallit with black striping. Atara included. Lightweight 100% wool tallit, including the corner squares.    Want to compare tallit weights?Refer to our Tallit Weight Table>> Unsure about the tzitzit...

  • Lightweight 770 Chabad Tallit Lightweight 770 Chabad Tallit

    Lightweight 770 Chabad Tallit

    Lightweight wool Chabad tallit with all of the features prescribed by Chabad minhagim, including a rich striping pattern and a second tzitzit hole on each corner (as described in Shulchan Aruch HaRav). Satin lining. In accordance with the Chabad custom,...

  • Kalil Lightweight Tallit Kalil Lightweight Tallit

    Kalil Lightweight Tallit

    A classic 100% wool smooth weave tallit that is almost 20% lighter than a standard tallit. Rests nicely on the shoulders. The Kalil Lightweight Tallit is treated to resist stains and features wool corner reinforcements. This tallis is known as the Kalil...
