Men's Wool

Our selection of wool tzitzit garments are made of high-quality 100% wool weaves. Options include T-neck or round neck opening, single holes or double tzitzit holes (Chassidic), and fringed hem or straight hem. All products in this category are available with a full range of tzitzit options.

  • Chassidic Wool Tallit Katan Chassidic Wool Tallit Katan

    Chassidic Wool Tallit Katan

    Discount: Quantity discounts start from as few as three. For details, below the price, click on the button marked "Buy in bulk and save." ⇈ Wool tzitzit garment with superb quality weave and excellent finishing work. Double tzitzis holes, in...

  • "Mofet" White-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan "Mofet" White-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan

    "Mofet" White-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan

    Discount: Quantity discounts start from as few as two. For details, below the price, click on the button marked "Buy in bulk and save." ⇈ Wool tallit katan with reinforced stitching to prevent fraying at the neck opening. Quality 100% virgin wool...

  • Black-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan Black-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan

    Black-Striped Classic Wool Tallit Katan

    Discount: Quantity discounts start from as few as two. For details, below the price, click on the button marked "Buy in bulk and save." ⇈ Wool tzitzit garment with patented design to prevent fraying at the neck opening. Quality 100% virgin wool...

  • Chabad Wool Tallit Katan Chabad Wool Tallit Katan

    Chabad Wool Tallit Katan

    Discount: Quantity discounts start from as few as two. For details, below the price, click on the button marked "Buy in bulk and save." ⇈ Wool tzitzis garment with patented design to prevent fraying at the neck opening. Quality 100% virgin...

  • Wool Comfort Wool Comfort

    Wool Comfort

    Wool form-fitting tallit katan with unique t-shirt style design. Breathable, stretchy wool. Features: » Double-stitched V-neck» Side-connector band» Reinforced corners» Reinforced tzitzit holes» Built-in corner pockets...

  • Lightweight Wool Comfort Lightweight Wool Comfort

    Lightweight Wool Comfort

    Wool form-fitting tallit katan with unique t-shirt style design. Lightweight stretch wool fits snug and stays in place.  Like the classic NeaTzit and TrimTzit, the Wool Comfort features include: » Double-stitched V-neck» Patented...
