Tefillin Accessories

  • Tefillin Dye

    Tefillin Dye

    Shiny black tefillin dye to touch up scratches and cracks on tefillin straps. Certified kosher by the Zichron Meir Beit Din.

  • Tefillin Dye Marker

    Tefillin Dye Marker

    Matte tefillin dye marker to touch up straps and tefillin battim. Marker design prevents tefillin paint from seeping into crevices, which could damage the parshiyos inside. Certified kosher by the Zichron Meir Beis Din in Bnei Brak.

  • Kufsa Hod Advanced Tefillin Cases Hefty construction

    Kufsa Hod Advanced Tefillin Cases

    Following three years of research and consulting with halachic authorities, rabbis, designers and engineers the highly innovative KufsaHod was invented by Menashe Sasson. The KufsaHod offers a long list of advantages: Adjustable to fit all tefillin...

  • Kisu Yad Tefillin Protector Kisu Yad Tefillin Protector

    Kisu Yad Tefillin Protector

    Rubber tefillin cover protects the Shel Yad from being damaged or worn through contact with clothing, bumping, etc. Designed to protect the tefillin corners, and help maintain their shape and squareness. Stays in place on almost any size tefillin (32-36...

  • Tefillin Mirror

    Tefillin Mirror

    Tefillin mirror to check that the Shel Rosh is properly centered. Features embossed faux leather cover and tefillin blessings.

  • "Chacham" Tfidanit Tefillin Carrier "Chacham" Tfidanit Tefillin Carrier

    "Chacham" Tfidanit Tefillin Carrier

    Tfidanit made by Chacham Judaica. Thermal tefillin case with hard plastic inner shell and double seal protects your tefillin from damage while traveling. Ideal for commuters, campers, soldiers and travelers. Hard plastic thermal container provide...
