Nezer HaKodesh

  • Size 5 Moroccan Shofar Size 5 Moroccan Shofar

    Size 5 Moroccan Shofar

    Medium Moroccan ram's horn shofar with unique sculpted curve. Tan throughout, with some tinges of red. Elegant flat, fully polished, strong curve. Strident tone. Length: 43.5 cm (17...

  • Boys TzitzShirt Boys TzitzShirt

    Boys TzitzShirt

    Wearing tzitzit on a traditional tallit katan entails wearing three layers: undershirt, tallit katan and a shirt. Over a decade ago, NeaTzit introduced an undershirt tzitzit, which allowed you...

  • TzitzShirt - Gray

    TzitzShirt - Gray

    Wearing tzitzit on a traditional tallit katan entails wearing three layers: undershirt, tallit katan and a shirt. Over a decade ago, NeaTzit introduced an undershirt tzitzit, which allowed you to cut...

  • TzitzShirt - White TzitzShirt - White

    TzitzShirt - White

    Wearing tzitzit on a traditional tallit katan entails wearing three layers: undershirt, tallit katan and a shirt. Two decades ago NeaTzit introduced an undershirt tzitzit, which allowed you to cut...

  • SALE
    White TzitzShirt with Sephardic Tzitzit - M White TzitzShirt with Sephardic Tzitzit - M

    White TzitzShirt with Sephardic Tzitzit - M

    Wearing tzitzit on a traditional tallit katan entails wearing three layers: undershirt, tallit katan and a shirt. Over a decade ago, NeaTzit introduced an undershirt tzitzit, which allowed you to cut...

    Retail price €28.42
    Was: €28.42
    Now: €18.30