Eidot HaMizrach

Nusach Eidot HaMizrach is used by Sephardic Jews, based on a number of slightly different but closely related versions of the prayer liturgy from the many countries Sephardic Jews hail from.


  • Et Ratzon Shabbat Siddur

    Et Ratzon Shabbat Siddur

      Et Ratzon Siddur for Shabbat. Features faux leather soft cover with silver embossments.   Published in Israel by Simachon.  Measures 16 x 12 cm / 6.3 x 4.7 inches   Includes:   Candle-lighting Kiddush Zemiros Birkas...

  • Et Ratzon Shacharit Siddur

    Et Ratzon Shacharit Siddur

    Et Ratzon Siddur for Shacharis. Features faux leather soft cover with silver embossments. Measures 16 x 12 cm / 6.3 x 4.7 inches. Published in Israel by Simachon.  Includes: Rosh Chodesh Taanis Tzibbur Birkas HaMazon Tefilas...
