Velvet Tallit Bags

» Our velvet tallit bags fit up to a Size 80 tallit.
» All bags are available with a matching tefillin bag option.

  • Keter Tallit Bag Keter Tallit Bag

    Keter Tallit Bag

    Top quality dark velvet tallit bag with a Vilna Gates design in pearl and silver, with glass diamond elements atop three crowns. Custom letter embroidery available in Hebrew or English. (If you need a virtual Hebrew keyboard, click here)...

  • Classic Vilna Gate Tallit Bag Classic Vilna Gate Tallit Bag

    Classic Vilna Gate Tallit Bag

    Top quality dark velvet tallit bag with a Vilna Gates design in pearl and silver, with glass diamond elements. Measures 36 x 29 cm (14 x 11.5 inches) Custom letter embroidery available in Hebrew or English. (If you need a virtual Hebrew keyboard,...

  • SALE
    Black Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit Tallit Bag

    Black Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit Tallit Bag

    Dark velvet tallit bag with silver embroidery surrounding the word "Tallit" in Hebrew and an excerpt from one of the main descriptions of the mitzvah of tzitzit found in the Torah: V'asu lahem tzitzit al kanfei bigdeihem... Measures 37 x 31 cm (15 x 12...

    Was: $22.00
    Now: $16.00
  • SALE
    Dark Burgundy Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit Tallit Bag

    Dark Burgundy Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit Tallit Bag

    Wine red velvet tallit bag with silver embroidery surrounding the word "Tallit" in Hebrew and an excerpt from one of the main descriptions of the mitzvah of tzitzit found in the Torah: V'asu lahem tzitzit al kanfei bigdeihem... Measures 37 x 31 cm (15 x...

    Was: $22.00
    Now: $16.00
  • SALE
    White-Silver "Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit" Tallit Bag

    White-Silver "Va'asu Lahem Tzitzit" Tallit Bag

    White velvet tallit bag with silver embroidery surrounding the word "Tallit" in Hebrew and an excerpt from one of the main descriptions of the mitzvah of tzitzit found in the Torah: V'asu lahem tzitzit al kanfei bigdeihem... Measures 37 x 31 cm (15 x 12...

    Retail price $28.00
    Was: $22.00
    Now: $16.00