Despite our Tallit Size Wizard, we get sizing questions all the time. Like this inquiry:
Shalom. I am looking at the Hamefoar Nonslip Tallit. I see that the smallest size is 60. I am 5 foot 7 and was thinking I need a size 55. I am not very familiar with the sizings and wonder if you can comment based on my height.
Also, is the atara on the Hamefoar the same as the one pictured on the Prima A.A.? There is no picture of the atara on the Hamefoar page.
I have never ordered online before so I hope these are not silly questions. Thanks for your help, Dave
Dave's sizing question is a cinch since I'm 5'7" inches myself. I wear a size 60. It drapes down in back to mid-thigh on me. That's considered not long and not short. Some people like it really long and elegant, but a size 70 on you or me would be hang down to the back of the knees, with the tips of the tzitzit constantly brushing the floor. Not good.
Some people like a short, manageable tallit. If you would like it to hang down just to the top of your thighs, then you should move up to a size 55. In that case, the closest alternative is the Tashbetz. It's a bit lighter and a bit more textured.
The atara is the same on the Prima A.A., Hamefoar and the Tashbetz.